Living La Vida

Doula & Midwifery Services

All Mothers Deserve Doulas

What Are
The Benefits?

As your doula it is my intent to become your birth companion and provide continuous one on one care for you and your partner with a focus on the following:

  • Physical Support 
  • Emotional Support
  • Informational Support 
  • Advocacy

Services include:

  • Creating your birthing plan
  • Advocating for you during prenatal appointments 
  • Providing support such as breath work and massage during labor 

Prenatal Care 

The goal of our visits is always to deepen our connection with our clients, establish trust, and build rapport. We do this through active listening and good communication skills , creating and building a plan. A doula typically helps a woman prepare a birth plan. 

Prenatal Care

The goal of our visits is always to deepen our connection with our clients, establish trust, and build rapport. We do this through active listening and good communication skills , creating and building a plan. A doula typically helps a woman prepare a birth plan. 

A birth doula remains with the mother during birth, offering relaxation and breathing technique support, as well as comforting services like massage, and assistance with labor positions.

Support Throughout Labor

Postpartum care for birthing people and infant

Immediate postpartum support to help with birth recovery, getting settled with your newborn and initiating breastfeeding and bonding. We offer postpartum virtual or home visits during your first week home and additional postpartum visits if needed to help you transition peacefully into parenthood. We will debrief your birth experience, plan for continued postpartum wellness, and discuss any questions you have.

The researchers found that overall, people who have continuous support during childbirth experience a:

  • 50% reduction in Cesarean sections 
  • 30% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief
  • Shorter labors by 41 minutes on average
  • 31% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience; mothers’ risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience was reduced with continuous support provided by a doula

Data/Statistical Info/Metrics

Pregnancy-related deaths per 100,000 live births (the pregnancy-related mortality ratio or PRMR) for Black, American Indian, and Alaska Native (AI/AN) women older than 30 was four to five times as high as it was for white women. Even in states with the lowest PRMRs and among women with higher levels of education, significant differences persist. These findings suggest that the disparity observed in pregnancy-related death for black and AI/AN women is a complex national problem.

Let's Begin
This Process.

Are you ready to start your journey with Living La Vida?  We cater our Doula services to each of our mothers so please fill out the information in the form below and we will be in touch to start this beautiful process.